I'm sorry, im new to making websites so some things may look off!


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File Reader: Read

Returns a stringified array of a specified directory's files or folders. File type filtering supported!



Box Name Type required? Description
Save Array Variable Array Variable name to save the returned array to. Updates below 2.0.0 return a stringified array
Read Type Dropdown Choose whether you want to read Files, or Folders!
Extension Type (optional) string Optional filter to apply to Read Type: Files only. Choose what file type to be returned!
Path to Read string Directory to search in. This is an absolute path, so you can check any directory you want!
Local API Password string The password of the Local API Server. No need to put anything here if no password is present!
Sort Dropdown Sorting method to apply on retrieval. Currently supports:
Date (Newest)
Date (Oldest)
Size (Smallest)
Size (Largest)



Value Type Description
variablenamehere Array An array containing either files or folders with optional filters applied.

Example Usage 📝


An example of Folder Reader: Read usage


Folder Reader: Read output